Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Does It Feel To Have A Collapsed Uterus


progetto c era una volta un bambino

“I’m not cool, I'm just well, " the leitmotiv of this initiative: " There once was a child, " project by Two of Spades and nssfactory under the patronage of Younicef \u200b\u200b (active network of volunteers interested in supporting young people through a network of information and an active commitment to training, promotion and protection of children's rights and adolescence).
Recalling that today we live in a society that calls itself civil and progressive, but also in a context in which a world at your child is still a utopia. The instruments available in this case, art, creativity, ideas and insight of youth, all conveyed in connection with this initiative. The project involves young fashion designers, photographers and newcomers asking them to offer their own creativity, for a charitable and humanitarian law, in line with the principles of solidarity and cooperation promoted by UNICEF.
Brands Two of Spades and nssfactory have selected ideas, graphics, illustrations and claims for the creation of a limited set teeshirt of , which will then be distributed in stores across Europe from Pink Distribution .
Brand as Boro, tomorrow I swear that I stop, the boys of Red, dark Lab , Mua mua dolls, Sunday 21, Toxic toys, along with other designers emerging or amateur, have already joined this project, thinking of teeshirt limited edition specially dedicated to the project. Seeing so not only made their own ideas, but also taking part a project of social responsibility. Each designer will set your own logo on his teeshirt, for a total of about twenty teeshirt in very limited edition, of which a € of the proceeds for each product sold will donated to charity Unicef.
leaders created by designers will be exhibited at the Pitti Fair , from '11 to 14 January 2011, at the stand of Recycled Two of Spades, one of the most important events professionals of the fashion system International and peri important showcase emerging young artists.
This project also involves the art of photography, because on the occasion of the Pitti Immagine, will set up a photography exhibition dedicated to children. The young photographers involved will make every effort to make the photographs following the concept of "Once Upon a Child" and the same labels for the photographs will also tee shirts designed by the designer. This initiative means a professional opportunity for young designers and artists, but also an important gesture of responsibility, humanity and solidarity, as well as a cultural opportunity in which to feel implicated.


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