On 19 \\ 10 \\ 10 we went to the Botanic Garden to look for news about O. Comes, a leading botanist.
We were accompanied by Dr. Quartucci told us that the palace is owned by Bourbon and during World War II the Americans used it as a base by bringing tanks and destroying almost everything.
Upon entering we saw the statue of the goddess Flora, and it was just located around the flora, that many water lilies.
We also saw cactus plants including the rare Mistletoe mirabilis: the plant for which the garden is very famous.
How to 'witness' is one of the innumerable plants''unique'' (Found only the botanical gardens and in their natural habitat) is Kelvir Mirabilis.
There are auto-fuel plants, insectivorous plants, plants with thorns, and thousands of years old trees, cactuses, the fossil tree and the thorny coryza.
The plant that impressed us most was the tree from which came the cotton wool that had more than 100 years!
But what have we learned about O. Comes?
at the Universita 'di Portici land there is a session entitled Comes to O and, in particular, the historical museum to witness that O. Comes is a prominent personality in the field of botany.