Monday, June 18, 2007

How Long Does It Take Abreva Yo Work?

Positano is a town of 3,862 inhabitants in the province of Salerno.

mild climate and beautiful scenery, Positano has been a resort since the days of the Roman Empire, as attested by the discovery of a villa and more recent discoveries, even dating back to 2004. Typical of the many "steps" from the country that come down to the beach. The main beaches are: the Big Beach and Fornillo, both within walking distance. The others are: La Porta, Arienzo, San Pietro Laurito. All reachable mainly by sea. Positano is also a means of public transport, the Metro del Mare

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Playing With The Boobs Of Sleeping Women

Positano Pompei - Archaeological Excavations

In the archaeological excavations of Pompeii has been brought to light the ancient Roman city destroyed tragically as a result of the eruption of the nearby volcano Vesuvius, which occurred in 79 AD

A few years earlier - in 62 AD - an earthquake, much more predictive of major disaster that would hit the city in a few years, struck the city of Pompeii and Herculaneum and other towns of Campania.

Pompeii was seriously damaged, but immediately began the process of reconstruction. Seventeen years later, while work continues at a fast pace (and even public buildings were almost all to be restored), the city and its inhabitants lived in one of the greatest tragedies of ancient history today, frozen in time and at that moment, was brought to the surface becoming the second most visited archaeological site the world.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Charge For Fake Community Service

Campi Flegrei and Pozzuoli

Campi Flegrei are a vast area of \u200b\u200bvolcanic origin in the north-west of Naples; flegrei the word comes from greek and means fire. In the area are still present twenty-four craters, many have m Anifest effusive gas (area of \u200b\u200bSolfatara) and phenomena bradyseism (very visible for example in the temple of Serapis in Pozzuoli).

In ancient times, some forty years ago, the explosive volcanic activity reached a climax with the explosion of the volcano that Archiflegreo disseminated throughout the region, Campania pyroclastic sediments that created the tuff, widely used since antiquity as stone construction. The last major eruption occurred in 1538, leading to the "birth" of a new crater hill, Monte Nuovo.

present, the area of \u200b\u200bCampi Flegrei includes, roughly, the areas of Naples and Fuorigrotta Agnano, the area of \u200b\u200bPozzuoli, Bacoli, Monte di Procida, Quarto Flegreo, The volcanic islands (Ischia, Procida, Vivara).

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Lake Avernus
is a volcanic lake that is located in Pozzuoli, near Cuma, Italy.

It took its name from a deep dark abyss (currently unidentified) found in its vicinity and emanating sulfur fumes which, according to Greek and Roman religion, had access to the Netherworld, kingdom of god Pluto (Hades). In fact, the poet Virgil in the sixth book of places near the lake entrance to the underworld where the mystic hero Aeneas must go. The Latin name Avernus and etymologically derives from the Greek meaning "without birds" because the birds flying over the chasm were dying because of its sulfurous fumes.

Near the lake are the Temple of Apollo, the Cave of the Sibyl Cumana and the Cave of Cocceio (a tunnel dug by the Romans for military purposes that connected the lake to Cuma, and today is no longer open to visitors because of damage Structural occurred during the Second World War that made the cave collapsing).

The submerged town of Baia

In 1956, Raimondo Bucher - Official fighter pilot and two-time world champion of free diving - he discovered an entire city built on the seabed of the Gulf of Pozzuoli. In an interview he said: "After the war, it was 1956, I went out in the aerobatic team of the sea from the airport of Capodichino. From the top, in a day of extraordinary clarity of the sky and the sea, appeared to me and symmetrical forms submarine regular. and I was intrigued, sensing that it must have been submerged ruins, I took photographs of the sky, still, because of their clarity, are unmatched. After development, the surprise: it appeared clearly in the form of walls, roads, buildings, which could not be that old. I wanted to just do a check and I dived into the waters of the Gulf of Pozzuoli. It was incredible: a lack of depth and where passing and moored boats of any kind, appeared mosaics of indescribable beauty, facilities, houses, roads, imposing columns. "

The discovery, said Bucher, was also important for the Pope" The event aroused great interest worldwide, especially in the Vatican with the Pope's personal interest, because in the Holy Scripture speaks of the landing of St. Paul in Pozzuoli through a channel and the arrival in a dock, clearly visible in My aerial photographs.

Over the past five decades, sunken treasure was unfortunately a victim of archeology and especially abuse of heavy anchors of ships moored in the harbor. Thus was destroyed some of the columns, walls and mosaics. The remains, however, are still interesting and unique for the entire Mediterranean. For the preservation of cultural heritage has now been established Flegreo the Archaeological Park of 80 000 m², managed by the Consortium Bay Submerged. The dives can be made only with a guide or a consortium of Diving. Non-divers can discover and admire the Roman city swallowed by the sea with the ship "Cymba" that has a transparent bottom. Departures from the port of Baia: March 15 to November 2, 12:00 / 16:00 (Saturday), 10:30 / 12:00 / 16:00 (Sundays and holidays)

Lucrino , where is the namesake lake. Its name derives from the word lucrum (gain). In the first century. BC, in fact, such a Sergius bream in the waters of the lake and planted a crop of oysters, gaining great wealth. Before the eruption of Montenuovo of 1538 was Tripergole Lucrino where there is now a health resort. The eruption destroyed it completely.
was in ancient times called "Acherus" because it was believed to identify the Acherusia palus, as it could be assumed that the Cocytus or Piriflegetonte, other rivers of hell. The proximity to the Lake Avernus, considered in antiquity the entrance of the underworld, makes clear "suspects" the whole area, and any unusual physical phenomena could give rise to legends and tales. Virgil tells of alleged fact, boiling phenomena (probably leaking, if not magmatic sulfur). As I said, was also approached to Piriflegetonte, the river of flames, which now reads produrvisi could support the hypothesis that most spectacular phenomena. The

Lucrino was a luxury resort of Roman, and many notables (including Cicero) erected magnificent villas and residences. Cicero's villa houses the remains of Hadrian, who died nearby.

Lake Lucrino was also the scene of a well-known story of Pliny the Elder (Naturalis Historia, IX, 25) about a dolphin that, somehow capitatovi, was seen by a child, who fed him and we became friends , so that the dolphin had it mounted on the back, back, and baby dolphin met again and played the next day and again every day, until the child became ill and died, the dolphin that died of a broken heart. It is, perhaps, in modern terms, the first urban legend, whose theme was common in almost all the Mediterranean, but that Pliny made feature of Lucrino.

Mount New is a volcano that is located in the Campi Flegrei, near Naples.
was formed between 28 and 30 September 1538 following an eruption that destroyed the village and spa Tripergole routed the local population.
the volcano are cultivated plants typical of the Mediterranean
Today the volcano, now dormant, has become a 'natural oasis in which we organize guided tours for schools and tour groups. The mountain is characterized by extensive vegetation. The plant that we find in greater quantity and heather which has the potential healing properties.

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Pozzuoli is a town in the province of Naples, which has over 82,000 inhabitants. It is famous for its restaurants and is home to a major fish market. It is the only city in the world that has two Roman amphitheatres. The port of Pozzuoli has regular connections with the islands of Ischia and Procida.
Located on the Gulf, Pozzuoli is located in a volcanic area, the Campi Flegrei (ie burning fields), which includes a still active volcano, Solfatara. Geosismico phenomenon typical of this city and the entire area of \u200b\u200bCampi Flegrei and the bradyseism, namely the lifting and lowering the earth's crust as a result of increased pressure underground. The rapid rise in sea level involved in the 80 port, which was relocated about 50 yards ahead of the previous placement.


The temple of Serapis covers a large area in the lower part of Pozzuoli.E 'said improperly "temple" because during the excavation of 1750 was found a statue of the Egyptian god Serapis. It's actually a market for I-II sec. AD

well preserved are the taberne that develop around a large porch preceded by four columns, of which three are still standing. The rows of holes at various heights on the stems of the three pillars are carved in marble by molluscs called lithodomes, and to document changes in the level of mineral waters.

The Flavian Amphitheater Pozzuoli is the third largest Roman amphitheater in Italy after the Colosseum and Amphitheatre Campano di Capua, probably built by the same architects of the Colosseum, shortly after this.

The amphitheater is located today just a few steps away from the subway Line 2 of Naples.
Built probably under Vespasian and inaugurated by Titus, it could hold 20,000 spectators. In the basement are still visible parts of the gear to lift the cages that brought the arena beasts.
The structure of elliptical, measuring 147 x 117 meters, while the arena has two semi-axes of 72.22 and 42.33 meters.

A solfatara
is a volcanic apparatus in which there is a field fumarolico, more or less extended, whose business consists mainly by the emission of steam and gas with high sulfur component.

solfatara The secondary part of the volcanic activity, such as fumaroles and geysers.

The classic example is the
Solfatara in Campi Flegrei, near Naples (Italy), but similar activity is found, for example, the "La Fossa Crater" on 'Island of Vulcano, one of the Aeolian Islands.

Villa Avellino:

extraordinary ongoing excavations on the acropolis of
Rione Terra revealed the whole fabric of the Roman city, preserved in the subsurface.
The decumano Via Duomo, with its basalt below the modern road that follows closely the trend is the road that connects to the flat area in front of the Hill District Land. Excavations have located another decumano, tangent to the back of Capitolium (the 'Temple of Augustus') in tuff, and along the way have been found underground buildings, mostly warehouses and tabernae.
Along the thistle, taken from the route of the Via San Procolo, are part of public buildings, spas and tabernae, some of the buildings and the changes are obvious signs of collapse and fire, perhaps a result of the earthquake of AD 62, in buildings Romans continued to live throughout the Middle Ages, when the headland, back to being a small fortified town, was called 'Earth'.
The most significant monument of the area is the 'Temple of Augustus', returned to light after the burning of the Baroque cathedral of St. Procolo - reusing the structures - in 1964.


Air Force Academy:

The Shrine of San Gennaro rises near Solfatara, where in 305 Gennaro, bishop of Benevento, was martyred.
was built between the late sixth and early seventh century, a basilica in his honor. Very likely, it has remained only the altar, known in popular piety as the rock on which the saint was beheaded.

Fish Market:

Molo Caligula:

photos found by the town of Pozzuoli